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(Listed in alphabetical order by project name.)
block2 (Python/C++)
block2 is an efficient and scalable implementation of
the Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG) for quantum chemistry.
The code is highly optimized for production level calculation of realistic systems.
Like many quantum chemistry packages,
it can be used by reading parameters and instructions from a formatted input file.
Cyclops Tensor Framework (C++)
This library provides automatic parallelization of operations on multidimensional
(sparse) arrays. Cyclops supports general tensor sparsity, so it is
possible to define graph algorithms with the use of sparse adjacency matrices.
Cytnx (Python/C++)
Cytnx is a library designed for Quantum/classical Physics simulations.
Most of Cytnx APIs share very similar interfaces as the most common and popular
libraries: numpy/scipy/pytorch. Cytnx also supports multi-devices (CPUs/GPUs)
directly on the base container level. For algorithms in physics, Cytnx provides powerful
tools such as UniTensor, Network, Bond, Symmetry etc. These objects are built on
top of Tensor objects.
DMRG++ (C++)
This library includes 4 algorithms for finding eigenstates of 1D quantum spin chains:
Fastor (C++)
Fastor is a stack-based high performance tensor (multi-dimensional array) library written
in modern C++ [C++11/14/17] with powerful in-built tensor algebraic functionalities
(tensor contraction, permutation, reductions, special tensor groups etc).
FunFact (Python)
FunFact enables flexible and concise expressions of tensor algebra through a hybrid
NumPy/Einstein notation-based syntax. A particular emphasis is on automating the design
of matrix and tensor factorization models. It’s areas of applications include quantum
circuit synthesis, tensor decomposition, and neural network compression. FunFact is
GPU-ready and easily parallizable thanks to the modern linear algebra backends such as
JAX/TensorFlow and PyTorch that it builds on top of.
ITensor (Julia, C++)
ITensor is a library for tensor networks where tensor indices carry extra information
and matching tensor indices automatically contract. Also features MPS and MPO algorithms,
such as DMRG, and quantum number block-sparse tensors.
NCON (Network Contractor) is a MATLAB routine which can be used for computing
a broad class of tensor network diagrams in an efficient and convenient way.
PyTreeNet (Python)
PyTreeNet is a Python implementation of tree tensor networks with a focus on the simulation
of quantum systems admitting a tree topology.
QUIMB (Python)
python library for contracting tensors and tensor networks,
with support for matrix product states and algorithms, and advanced
features such as determination of the optimal ordering of tensor contractions.[1]
Scikit-TT (Python)
Scikit-TT is a Python library for applying the tensor-train (TT) format
to various numerical problems in order to reduce the memory consumption and computational
cost compared to classical tensor approaches significantly.
SuSMoST (Surface Science Modelling and Simulation Toolkit) is meant to build and study
classical lattice models of adsorption, such as Langmuir, Ising, Potts, or hard-core models.
SuSMoST automatically builds a tensor network representation of a lattice model from
samples of adsorption complexes. Several versions of the TRG algorithm are
implemented in SuSMoST.
They can be used to compute the partition function and its derivatives
for simulated lattice models.
SyTen (C++)
A symmetry-protected tensor networks toolkit in C++,
with a set of standard matrix-product state, binary tree-tensor network states
and infinite projected entangled pair state utilities included.
TeNeS (C++)
TeNeS is a package for calculating many-body quantum states on two-dimensional
lattices based on iTPS (iPEPS). It can treat various spin and boson Hamiltonians
through comprehensive input parameters, while we need a simple input format for
predefined lattices and models. Furthermore, it supports MPI/OpenMP hybrid parallelization
for supercomputers.
teneva (Python)
This python package provides a very compact implementation of basic operations
in the tensor-train (TT) format, including TT-SVD, TT-ALS, TT-ANOVA, TT-cross, TT-truncate,
Chebyshev interpolation, “add”, “mul”, “norm”, “mean”, “sample”, etc.
It can be used for approximation of multidimensional arrays and multivariate functions,
as well as for efficient implementation of various operations
of linear algebra in the low rank TT-format.
tensap (Python)
A Python package for the approximation of functions and tensors.
features low-rank tensors (including canonical, tensor-train
and tree-based tensor formats or tree tensor networks),
sparse tensors, polynomials, and allows the plug-in of other approximation tools.
It provides different approximation methods based on interpolation,
least-squares projection or statistical learning.
Tensorgrad (Python)
Tensorgrad is a Python implementation of symbolic tensor algebra using tensor networks.
It supports basic operations such as sums and products, as well as more general functions and derivatives.
Its primary focus is to help developers derive, simplify, and visualize complex tensor expressions.
Additionally, Tensorgrad can be used as a machine learning library—similar to PyTorch—for writing ML code.
TensorKit (Julia)
A Julia package for large-scale tensor computations, with a hint of category theory.
TensorKit.jl aims to be a generic package for working with tensors as they appear throughout
the physical sciences. Currently, most effort is oriented towards tensors as they appear in
the context of quantum many body physics and in particular the field of tensor networks.
Such tensors often have large dimensions and take on a specific structure when symmetries
are present. To deal with generic symmetries, we employ notations and concepts from category
theory all the way down to the definition of a tensor. At the same time, TensorKit.jl
focuses on computational efficiency and performance.
TenPy (Python)
Tensor Network Python (TeNPy) is a Python library for the simulation of
quantum systems with tensor networks. The philosophy of this library is
to get a new balance of a good readability and usability for new-comers,
and at the same time powerful algorithms and fast development of new
algorithms for experts.[2]
TensorLab (MATLAB)
Tensorlab is a MATLAB toolbox for rapid prototyping of tensor
decompositions with structured factors. By mixing different types
of decompositions and factor structures, a vast amount of factorizations
can be computed.
TensorLy (Python)
A python library offering a high-level API for tensor methods and
deep tensorized neural networks. TensorLy’s backend system allows users to
perform computations with NumPy, MXNet, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and CuPy
in order to be scalable on both CPU and GPU.[3]
TensorOperations (Julia)
Julia package for tensor contractions and related operations.
Offers fast tensor operations using a convenient Einstein index notation,
as well as optimizing pairwise contraction order, the “ncon” function
for contracting groups of tensors or tensor networks, GPU support,
and other features.
TensorNetwork (Python)
python library for easy and efficient contraction of tensor
networks, supporting multiple powerful backends.
Tensor Toolbox (MATLAB)
The Tensor Toolbox is a MATLAB library supporting multiple tensor types,
including dense, sparse, and symmetric tensors as well as specially
structured tensors, such as Tucker format,
and others. Tensors can be manipulated using MATLAB’s object-oriented features.
TensorToolbox.jl (Julia)
Julia package for tensors. Includes functionality for dense tensors, and tensors in the Tucker,
Kruskal (CP), Hierarchical Tucker, and Tensor Train formats.
Follows the functionality of MATLAB Tensor toolbox and Hierarchical Tucker Toolbox.
Additionally, it contains algorithms from the paper Recompression of Hadamard Products of
Tensors in Tucker Format by D. Kressner and L. Periša.
TiledArray (C++)
TiledArray is a massively-parallel, block-sparse tensor framework written in C++.
It is a scalable, block-sparse tensor framework for rapid composition of high-performance
tensor arithmetic, appearing for example in many-body quantum mechanics. It allows
users to compose tensor expressions of arbitrary complexity in native C++ code that
closely resembles the standard mathematical notation. The framework is designed to
scale from a single multicore computer to a massive distributed-memory multiprocessor.
TorchMPS (Python)
TorchMPS is a framework for working with matrix product state (also known
as MPS or tensor train) models within Pytorch. Our MPS models are written as
Pytorch Modules, and can simply be viewed as differentiable black boxes
that are interchangeable with standard neural network layers. However,
the rich structure of MPS’s allows for more interesting behavior…
TorchTT (Python)
Tensor-Train decomposition package written in Python on top of pytorch. Supports GPU
acceleration and automatic differentiation. It also contains routines for solving linear
systems in the TT format and performing adaptive cross approximation
(the AMEN solver/cross interpolation is inspired form the MATLAB TT-Toolbox).
Some routines are implemented in C++ for an increased execution speed.
ttml (Python)
Tensor train based machine learning estimator.
Uses existing machine learning estimators to initialize a tensor train decomposition
on a particular feature space discretization.
Then, this tensor train is further optimized with Riemannian conjugate gradient descent.
ttpy (Python)
Same as TT-Toolbox
but in Python.
TT-Toolbox (MATLAB)
MATLAB implementation of basic operations with tensors in TT-format,
including TT tensor and TT matrix formats, fast rounding procedures,
methods for solutions of linear systems and eigenvalue problems,
and the TT-cross method.
UltraDMRG (C++)
This library is specifically designed to tackle two-dimensional
strongly correlated electron systems. It offers
MPI parallelization of Density Matrix Renormalization Group,
MPI parallelization of MPS-based time-dependent variational principle algorithm,
finite-temperature calculation.
Uni10 (C++)
Universal Tensor Library, an open-source C++ library designed for
the development of tensor network algorithms. Provides a Network class to process
and store the details of the graphical representations of the networks,
and supports quantum number block-sparse tensors.
Xerus (C++)
The Xerus library is a general purpose library for numerical
calculations with higher order tensors, Tensor-Train
Decompositions / Matrix Product States and general Tensor Networks.
The focus of development was the simple usability and adaptability to any
setting that requires higher order tensors or decompositions thereof.
CuTensor (C)
CuTensor is a library for high-performance contraction of arbitrary tensors on
NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs). It is built on top of hardware-optimized,
permutation-free contraction algorithms and can achieve very high performance.
Cyclops Tensor Framework (C++)
This library provides automatic parallelization of operations on multidimensional
(sparse) arrays. Cyclops supports general tensor sparsity, so it is
possible to define graph algorithms with the use of sparse adjacency matrices
HPTT (C/C++)
High-performance tensor transpose (HPTT) is a library for permuting (transposing)
tensor data including summing two tensors which may have a different ordering of indices.
Performance is achieved by hardware and cache-friendly algorithms as well as multi-threading
based on OpenMP.
taco (C/C++)
taco is a library for compiling dense and sparse linear and tensor algebra expressions.
The expressions can range from simple kernels like SpMV to more complex kernels
like MTTKRP, where the operands can be dense, sparse, or a mix of dense and sparse.
taco automatically generates efficient compute kernels (loops) to evaluate these expressions.
TBLIS is a contraction library for arbitrary (real-valued) tensors
which uses a sophisticated permutation-free algorithm,
avoiding the permutation overhead that would be incurred by a more naive permute and
matrix-multiply algorithm.